Personal Adventures

If I never traveled in the mountains at an early age, I would not have began a career in the outdoor industry. My exploration into the backcountry has been vast since I was a child. Though this section primarily highlights hiking and backpacking, it is not exhaustive of my outdoor pursuits. This merely showcases some of the more memorable and challenging experiences I’ve had over the years.


As our need for the natural world increases it appears our understanding or knowledge of how to recreate or explore safely seems to decrease. Most explorers learn about the outdoor environment through family, friends or other peers. For those who grew up in cities or families where spending time outdoors was not typical there have been few resources to provide the necessary knowledge. Through my own exploration and work in the backcountry, I have recognized the importance of my own education. I have realized the value of teaching others important skills. It is in this vain, I have committed myself to passing along the information I have learned over the years.

Currently I teach through the following institutions:

  • Colorado Mountain College
  • Red Rocks Community College
  • Outdoor Stewardship Institute


In some ways I have been an activist since I was a teenager. Though, I have always taken a passive and reserved approach to that activism. I have written letters to Congress and other government officials. I have changed personal behavior and privately boycotted companies whose values have not aligned with mine. I have read books and educated myself on those issues which are important to me. However, in recent years, I realized that my activism has to change from private to public.

Once I started working in the outdoor industry, instead of simply spending time in the outdoors as a hiker, I understood the importance my participation was in activism. I became aware that my knowledge of working in the outdoors can aid in protecting it. We are extremely blessed, in this country to have such a large amount of public lands. These lands, where I work, are constantly being threatened. They hold value for me, not just as someone who recreates in them, but as an employee. Without them, I really wouldn’t have a job.

Issues I advocate:

  • public lands
  • conservation and environment
  • species and habitat protection and preservation
  • women’s rights and gender equality
  • outdoor accessibility

A healthy ecosystem is not solely imperative to the plants and animals who depend on it but to us as well. Among other benefits it ensures there will be places to enjoy for all of us in the future.
